11 to 14 October 2022 | Committee Room 9, IMO Headquarters, London
2nd GloFouling Partnerships R&D Forum and Exhibition on
Biofouling Prevention and Management for Maritime Industries

![Session 1 cont._Application_of_Thorn-D_antifouling c. Pieters7 [CC BY-SA] WikiCommons.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ae952d_38ee78cfc32c4fa69f0b2f9d53016452~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_245,y_49,w_360,h_518/fill/w_199,h_286,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Session%201%20cont__Application_of_Thorn-D_antifouling%20c_%20Pieters7%20%5BCC%20BY-SA%5D%20WikiCommons.jpg)





Monday 10 October 2022
17:00 – 19:00
OPENING RECEPTION One Great George Street
Master of Ceremony: Lilia Khodjet El Khil, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO
Forum moderator: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Tuesday 11 October 2022
8:00 – 9:00
REGISTRATION IMO entrance hall - Registration Desk
BREAKFAST Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
9:00 – 9:30
Welcome address from IMO
Xiaojie Zhang, Director, Technical Cooperation Division, IMO
Gyorgyi Gurban, Head, Projects implementation, Department of Partnerships and Projects, IMO
Opening keynote speaker
Katy Ware, Director, UK Maritime Services, Permanent Representative of the UK to the IMO
9:30 – 11:30
SESSION 1 – Innovative anti-fouling coating systems, biofouling management technologies and methods in shipping, recreational boating, aquaculture, oil & gas, and ocean renewable energy structures.
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Neil Oxtoby, AkzoNobel & Bart Salters, Philips. UVC Anti-Fouling Solution – Design, Experiments and Results of next generation Samples.
Ralitsa Mihaylova, Safinah Group. Data driven approaches to coating selection and the challenges with ship-specific functional specifications.
I Ketut Aria Pria Utama, An Investigation into the Development of Hydrophobic Antifouling Paint to Minimize the Growth of Biofouling on Ship Hull.
Tor Ostervold, ECOsubsea. Results of biofouling cleaning in offshore rigs.
Questions and answers
11:30 - 12:00
Mark Patterson & Gary Rosewell, Proteus Ocean Group. Proteus, the International Space Station of the Sea.
12:00 – 13:30
LUNCH Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
13:30 – 15:00
SESSION 1 (Cont.) – Innovative anti-fouling coating systems, biofouling
management technologies and methods in shipping, recreational boating,
aquaculture, oil & gas, and ocean renewable energy structures.
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Peter Maidment, CleanSubSea. Responsible biofouling management through IWHC with complete capture and containment.
Karl Lander, Armach Robotics. Autonomous Robots Enable Proactive Cleaning.
Eirik Eide, Shipshave. In transit cleaning of hulls for sustainable disposal of effluent.
Melissa Tribou, Florida Institute of Technology. Methods to Determine Cleaning Tool Selection for Proactive In-water Hull Cleaning.
Lisa-May Alvarez, University of Toulon. Impact of ultrasounds on micro and macro-fouling
Questions and answers
15:00 – 15:15
COFFEE-BREAK AND EXHIBITION VISIT Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
15:15 – 17:00
INDUSTRY PANEL - World Ocean Council (WOC)
Theme: Facilitating green investment to support innovation and technology development for biofouling management
Chair of Session: Paul Holthus, World Ocean Council (WOC)
Panel discussion
Tony Foster, Marine Capital
Birgit Liodden, The Ocean Opportunities Lab (TOOL)
Diane Gilpin, Smart Green Shipping
Michael van Niekerk, NorthStar Impact
Andrew Smith, GreenBackers Investment Capital
Maarten Biermans, Prow Capital
Wednesday 12 October 2022
8:00 – 8:30
BREAKFAST Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
8:30 – 10:00
SESSION 2 – Environmental and economic impacts of invasive aquatic species introduced via biofouling on ships, other marine structures and aquaculture equipment.
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Mario Tamburri, GESAMP WG 44: Biofouling Management, Update on the status of development of the GESAMP WG 44.
Sarah Culloty, University College Cork, Ireland. Biofouling, pathogens and invasive aquatic species: Understanding the links.
Paula Holland, NIWA. Assessing the economic impacts of biofouling and invasive aquatic species. A Guide published by GloFouling Partnerships.
Nicola Stokes, North Queensland Bulk Ports. Quantifying the economic impact of an invasive species in ports and harbours.
Questions and answers
10:00 – 10:15
COFFEE-BREAK AND EXHIBITION VISIT Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
10:15 – 12:00
SESSION 3 – Ocean renewable energy and aquaculture sectors: Challenges and best practices to manage biofouling
Part 1 - Ocean renewable energy
Chair of Session: Andrew Want, Herriot-Watt University/University of Hull
Raeanne Miller, Aquatera. Biofouling and ocean renewable energy: what have we learned in the last decade?
Catherine Tait, European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC). Biofouling impacts on marine energy technologies: experiences from an open-sea test facility.
Part 2 - Aquaculture
Chair of Session: Henrik Oksfeldt Enevoldsen, IOC-UNESCO
Sandra E. Shumway, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut. Recommendations
and Best Practices for Biofouling Management in the Aquaculture Sector.
Panel discussion:
Simone Durr, Liverpool John Moores University
Guillaume Drillet, World Aquaculture Society (WAS)
Questions and answers
12:00 – 13:30
LUNCH Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
13:30 – 15:15
SESSION 4 - Monitoring biofouling: How can innovation help?
Chair of Session: Geoffrey Swain, Florida Institute of Technology
Alexandre Immas, Berkeley Marine Robotics. Automated Ship Hull Inspection with a Swarm of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles.
Marie Dale, AkzoNobel. A data driven route to reducing the risk of invasive species translocated through biofouling on ships.
Solène Guéré, NotiloPlus. Why rely on cloud-based systems for biofouling management plans?
Lina Ceballos-Osuna, California State Lands Commission. Proxy-based model to assess the relative contribution of ballast water and biofouling’s potential propagule pressure and prioritize vessel inspections.
Yusik Kim, TAS Global & Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. An update on research conducted in the Republic of Korea.
Questions and answers
15:15 – 15:30
COFFEE-BREAK AND EXHIBITION VISIT Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
15:30 – 16:30
SESSION 5 - Testing performance of technologies and methods to manage biofouling – What are the challenges?
Chair of Session: Guillaume Drillet, SGS
Bev Mackenzie, BIMCO. The challenges of assessing biofouling coverage: Can AI play a role in supporting both industry initiatives and capacity development?
Mario Tamburri, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Technical Considerations for Development of Policy and Approvals for In-Water Cleaning of Ship Biofouling.
Guillaume Drillet, SGS. Global TestNet and laboratory testing capabilities.
Questions and answers
16:45 – 18:15
TEST Biofouling Project
Private meeting for beneficiary countries of the TEST Biofouling Project.
Thursday 13 October 2022
8:00 – 8:30
BREAKFAST Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
8:30 – 10:00
SESSION 6 – Port perspectives of biofouling management
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Luc Van Espen, Port of Antwerp/Brugge. Underwater cleaning in the Flemish ports.
Reza Ludovic, Agence Portuaire, Maritime et Fluviale, Madagascar. International Port of Toamasina, capacity and organization issues to deal with invasion of Invasive Aquatic Species from biofouling.
Panel discussion:
Nicola Stokes, North Queensland Bulk Ports, Australia
Simon Doran, HullWiper
Even Husby, Port of Bergen, Norway
Nikhilesh Bhatia, Hapag Lloyd
10:00 – 10:15
COFFEE-BREAK AND EXHIBITION VISIT Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
10:15 – 12:00
SESSION 7 – Increasing the role of women in biofouling management
Chair of Session: Gyorgyi Gurban, IMO
Sanjam Gupta, Sitara Shipping . Charting the route towards inclusive biofouling management.
Panel discussion:
Bev MacKenzie, BIMCO
Brigit M. Liodden, the Ocean Opportunity Lab
Lilia Khodjet El Khil, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO
Lina Ceballos-Osuna, California State Lands Commission
Solène Guéré, NotiloPlus
Shireene M Galal Mounir, Arab Women In Maritime Association (AWIMA)
12:00 – 13:30
LUNCH Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
13:30 – 15:00
SESSION 8 – ROUNDTABLE – GloFouling beneficiary countries sharing experience on key initiatives and challenges
Chair of Session: Lilia Khodjet El Khil, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO
Gabriel Abad, Dirección Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos (DIRNEA), Ecuador. Analysis of the baseline situation in Ecuador for biofouling management in all maritime industries.
Maria Cecilia T. de Castro, Brazilian Navy. Brazilian Regulation on the Management of Ships’ Biofouling.
Mahmoud Ahmed, The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA). Challenges and achievements in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
Roundtable discussion:
With representatives from the Lead Partnering Countries of GloFouling Partnerships.
15:00 – 15:15
COFFEE-BREAK AND EXHIBITION VISIT Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
15:15 – 17:00
SESSION 9 – Recreational boating and its role as a secondary pathway for invasive aquatic species
Chair of Session: Agnese Marchini, University of Pavia
Mar Santos-Simón, University of Pavia. Assessment of the effectiveness of different antifouling solutions for recreational boats in the context of bio-invasions.
John Alonso, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO. New recommendations on biofouling management for the recreational boating sector.
Evangelina Schwindt, IBIOMAR-CONICET. Alternative hull biofouling management in Argentina.
Panel discussion
Udo Kleinitz, ICOMIA
Katie Costello, IUCN
Alexandra Rickham, World Sailing
Friday 14 October 2022
8:00 – 8:30
BREAKFAST Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
8:30 – 8:45​
SESSION 10 - Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety: Private sector-led contributions to the global environment agenda
Yusik Kim, TAS Global, GIA chair. GIA objectives and achievements.
Questions and answers
8:45 – 10:00
SESSION 11 (Part 1) - Biofouling management and fuel efficiency – Understanding the potential for GHG emissions savings
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Camille Bourgeon, IMO. Biofouling management as a tool to achieve IMO Strategy on GHG reduction.
John Alonso, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO. Report on the impact of biofouling on GHG emissions.
Stephen Riley, PPG. Fouling release coatings: why the use of friction coefficient is the optimal way to measure the hull surface impact on drag reduction.
Questions and answers
10:00 – 10:15
COFFEE-BREAK Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
10:15 – 12:00
SESSION 11 (Part 2) - Biofouling management and fuel efficiency – Understanding the potential for GHG emissions savings
Chair of Session: Craig Eason, Fathom World
Jean Prudhomme, Embassy of France in the United Kingdom. Results of an in-water hull cleaning programme of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.
Markus Hoffmann, I-Tech AB. The Impact of ‘Fouling Idling’ on the Decarbonisation of the Global Shipping Fleet.
Darren R Jones, Sonihull. Can we, and should we, fast track new technologies to deal with biofouling?
Questions and answers
12:00 – 13:00
LUNCH Delegates' Lounge area, first floor
13:00 – 14:30
SESSION 12 - Policy aspects – How can policy respond to biofouling management challenges?
Chair of Session: Sveinung Oftedal, Norway, Coordinator of the IMO Correspondence Group on Biofouling
Teo Karayannis, IMO. Overview of the current status of the revision of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines.
Lilia Khodjet El Khil, GloFouling Partnerships, IMO. Efforts made under the GloFouling Partnerships project to streamline the development of biofouling management measures.
Panel discussion
Lina Ceballos-Osuna, California State Lands Commission, USA
Timothy Carew, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia
Katherine Giroux-Bougard, Transport Canada, Canada
Dick Brus, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Directorate for Maritime Affairs, The Netherlands
14:30 - 14:45
MEETING AGAIN - the 3rd GloFouling Partnerships R&D Forum on Biofouling Prevention and Management
Seong-yeob Lee, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO)
Hoyoon Kim, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO)
14:45 – 14:50
Craig Eason, Forum moderator, Fathom World
14:50 – 15:00
Gyorgyi Gurban, Head, Projects implementation, Department of Partnerships and Projects, IMO
Lilia Khodjet El Khil, Technical Project Manager, GloFouling Partnerships, Department of Partnerships and Projects, IMO
- End of Forum -
Photo credits (top to bottom): Emilio Mancuso; shutterstock; Ashley Coutts; WikiCommons; piqsels; Creative Commons; Hans Hillewaert; Paolo Varrella; Subsea Industries; Mariano Rodríguez - @argentinasubmarina; piqsels; Flickr; Wikimedia Commons; Jean-Pierre Bazard; Eric Gao; piqsels; Flickr; pexels.