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GloFouling Webinars

Maintaining a clean hull: the environmental and economic footprint of ship hull fouling and hull maintenance


Thursday, 27 May 2021

Webinar closed, recording available here



Chalmers University of Technology, together with SSPA Sweden AB and Gothenburg University, conducted cross-disciplinary research on a novel interactive tool, HullMASTER – Hull MAintenance STrategies for Emission Reduction, which enables shipowners, technical management, and maritime or environmental authorities to make evidence-based decisions on ship hull maintenance.

Presented by:

Dinis Reis Oliveira, Postdoc researcher, Chalmers University of Technology

Dr. Dinis Reis Oliveira is a postdoc researcher at Chalmers’ Maritime Environmental Sciences working with energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of shipping through improved maintenance of underwater surfaces of merchant ships. He has a background in Bioengineering (University of Porto, Portugal) and PhD in Shipping and Marine Technology – Marine Environment (Chalmers University of Technology).


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