GloFouling Webinars
Combining robotics with AI to analyse hull inspection data and biofouling
Wednesday, 22 March 2022
Webinar closed, recording available here
An example of how Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) can be utilised to conduct hull inspections to monitor biofouling levels and the performance of antifouling systems. Combined with an AI system that facilitates data analysis and reporting, information can be interpreted in real time and contribute to improved decision-making to optimise ship performance. The webinar will include a live demonstration and showcase some of the main aspects of this system and its future applications.
Presented by:
Thibaut Humbert
International Sales & Marketing, NotiloPlus
After more than ten years working in an international context for both hardware & software technology companies, Thibaut had a career break by becoming a professional scuba diver. As an instructor working in South East Asia, he could notice first hand the devastating effects of invasive aquatic species transfer on the health of marine ecosystems. He then decided to dedicate his efforts to the protection of the ocean, leveraging his expertise in technology and joined Notilo Plus.