GloFouling Webinars
Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Webinar closed, recording available here
The Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety is an alliance that brings together committed leaders from maritime, shipping, ocean energy, aquaculture and other ocean-based industries, to support two key IMO pressing environmental objectives via improved biofouling management: protect marine biodiversity and decarbonize shipping.
The aim of the maritime champions joining the GIA is to work together with GloFouling Partnerships to leverage human, technological and financial resources; facilitate industry input into policy development and a positive pull for reform processes; and develop and disseminate technological solutions to improve biofouling management.
The GIA for Marine biosafety will continue a string of similar successful initiatives created in previous IMO projects that have set out a lead example and model for public-private partnerships in addressing emerging global marine environmental issues. This experience demonstrates that global environmental problems such as marine bioinvasions will be solved only if the private sector also weighs in with its vast technical resources and expertise. The private sector is, therefore, recognized as an important stakeholder that can play a critical role in addressing marine biosecurity issues, in partnership with IMO and its GloFouling Partnerships Project.
Presented by:
GloFouling Partnerships Project Technical Manager (Lilia Khodjet El Khil) and GIA members (ECOsubsea and Sonihull)
Ms. Lilia Khodjet El Khil, is the Technical Manager of the GloFouling Partnerships. After obtaining her PhD in Maritime Law, Dr Lilia Khodjet El Khil joined IMO at its regional office in the Mediterranean (REMPEC) where she spent nine years as a Programme Officer supporting Mediterranean coastal States to strengthen their capacity to implement regulations and good practices for marine environmental protection. In 2010, Lilia relocated to Montreal, Canada, where she took the position of Interim Director, Environment section, at the Shipping Federation of Canada - trade association representing international shipping in Canada, where she engaged with Governments and guided members through complex regulatory and compliance issues. She later joined the CSL Group Inc., a major Canadian shipping company operating worldwide, where she held the position of Manager, Sustainability and Government Relations, to implement sustainable development standards in the company and advocate for domestic shipping's interests at national and international levels. Lilia launched her own consultancy business, Maritimis Consulting, in 2016. She provided services to the industry, governments and non-for-profit organizations on specialist issues related to shipping. In June 2019, she joined IMO headquarters in London to lead the GloFouling Partnerships project.