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Our webinars are an opportunity to discover specific aspects, challenges and solutions across all maritime sectors in relation to biofouling and its two main environmental issues: invasive aquatic species and greenhouse gas emissions. This is part of the efforts of the GloFouling Partnerships to provide a platform to share knowledge and increase awareness on this important issue that, left undeterred, may impact marine biodiversity and hamper the sustainability of new initiatives related to the Blue Economy. 


Webinars are open to all participants, free of charge. While the main language will be English, some webinars are offered in Spanish or French. Upcoming webinars will are featured below these lines.  For recordings of past webinars, please scroll further down the page. 


The series of webinars have closed, currently no upcoming webinars are planned

Past Webinars

Anchor 5
The Biofouling Innovation Challenge: Investor insights & last call to apply/nominate candidates

The Biofouling Innovation Challenge: Investor insights & last call to apply/nominate candidates


Biofouling on offshore renewable energy structures

Biofouling on offshore renewable energy structures


The spread of marine diseases and pathogens and the link to invasive species

The spread of marine diseases and pathogens and the link to invasive species


Biofouling management in New Zealand salmon farms: challenges and directions

Biofouling management in New Zealand salmon farms: challenges and directions


Effect of biofouling on ship performance and energy efficiency

Effect of biofouling on ship performance and energy efficiency


Managing corrosion and biofouling of the offshore monopile supports for wind turbines

Managing corrosion and biofouling of the offshore monopile supports for wind turbines


The role of biofouling in recreational sailing, yachting and marinas as a pathway for non-indigenous species

The role of biofouling in recreational sailing, yachting and marinas as a pathway for non-indigenous species


The Biofouling Innovation Challenge Competition

The Biofouling Innovation Challenge Competition


The biofouling diaspora: The global spread of marine species by ships

The biofouling diaspora: The global spread of marine species by ships


BioPass - end to end biofouling management across the lifecycle of the asset

BioPass - end to end biofouling management across the lifecycle of the asset


An update on the review of the Biofouling Guidelines

An update on the review of the Biofouling Guidelines


Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety

Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety


Lessons learned through implementing and enforcing California’s biofouling management regulations

Lessons learned through implementing and enforcing California’s biofouling management regulations


Impacts of biofouling in marine aquaculture

Impacts of biofouling in marine aquaculture


In-transit cleaning of hulls: an example of crew-operated solutions to biofouling

In-transit cleaning of hulls: an example of crew-operated solutions to biofouling


Understanding ultrasonic anti-fouling systems

Understanding ultrasonic anti-fouling systems


Raising the bar in in-water cleaning

Raising the bar in in-water cleaning


Risk of dissemination of the nonindigenous Orange cup coral from ship hulls and oil/gas platforms in the South West Atlantic

Risk of dissemination of the nonindigenous Orange cup coral from ship hulls and oil/gas platforms in the South West Atlantic


Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety

Global Industry Alliance (GIA) for Marine Biosafety


Normativa para la gestión de bioincrustaciones marinas. La experiencia del Estado de California

Normativa para la gestión de bioincrustaciones marinas. La experiencia del Estado de California


Combining robotics with AI to analyse hull inspection data and biofouling

Combining robotics with AI to analyse hull inspection data and biofouling


Maintaining a clean hull: the environmental and economic footprint of ship hull fouling and hull maintenance

Maintaining a clean hull: the environmental and economic footprint of ship hull fouling and hull maintenance


Managing Marine Bioinvasions in the Galapagos Islands Marine Reserve

Managing Marine Bioinvasions in the Galapagos Islands Marine Reserve


Ecological engineering of marine infrastructure for biosecurity

Ecological engineering of marine infrastructure for biosecurity


Vessel-Check: an aquatic biosecurity risk assessment tool

Vessel-Check: an aquatic biosecurity risk assessment tool


Monitoring biofouling in the offshore renewable energy industry

Monitoring biofouling in the offshore renewable energy industry




The opinions expressed in the webinars are solely those of the presenter(s). IMO (and by extension, the GloFouling Partnerships Project) does not, in any way or form, support, condone or approve any declarations, technologies, services or practices offered by a commercial entity, nor endorses or recommends any technologies, services and practices in preference to others. 




© 2019 by GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships. 

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